The Basra Technical Institute holds an educational seminar on Law No. 32 of 2016 prohibiting the Baath Party, racist, terrorist, and takfiri entities, parties, and activities.

The Basra Technical Institute’s Studies and Planning Division held a seminar titled “Criminal Responsibility Resulting from Violating the Provisions of the Law Prohibiting the Baath Party, Entities, Parties, and Racist, Terrorist, and Takfiri Activities.” The seminar was presented by Mr. Basim Mohammed and Ms. Elham Omair.

The seminar addressed three main points:
First Point:* The reasons and justifications that led to the enactment of this law.
Second Point:* The prohibited activities and the entities and parties covered by the provisions of this law.
Third Point:* The criminal penalties stipulated in this law.

The seminar was attended by the Dean of the Technical Institute, the Assistant Dean for Administrative Affairs, and several staff members.